swissstaffing Pension Fund

The swissstaffing Pension Fund «Fondation 2ème pilier swissstaffing» was founded in 1985 to provide temp agencies with a simple and cost-effective way of insuring their staff. Today, you can insure both your temporary and permanent staff on the best terms and conditions by choosing the Foundation. Our pension fund is open to all swissstaffing members.


  • Financially strong. A coverage rate of well over 100% for several years.
  • Those covered benefit from our positive performance. All retirement savings capital has attracted 3% interest since 2015. The risk and administrative costs ratio is 2%.
  • Good risk structure. There are 26 active members for every pensioner.
  • CBA-compliant insurance.
  • Secure data transmission thanks to Web Employer Access.
  • Transparent cost policy. The same conditions apply to all our members.
  • No commercial objectives. The interests of our insurance holders always come first. We do not charge brokerage and keep our marketing costs deliberately low.
  • Good cover. With fluctuation reserves of 21%, the swissstaffing Pillar 2 Pension Fund is ideally cushioned.
  • Simple, monthly administration. Good timetabling of cash flow and transfers of vested termination benefits.
  • Our own call center. To provide your staff with personal and multilingual advice.
  • Efficient administration. Our operating costs are low: in 2018, the swissstaffing Pillar 2 Pension Fund spent an average of CHF 275 per insured person.



Av. Edouard-Dubois 20
2000 Neuchâtel
Tel.: +41 58 266 28 02

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