Social security

Social security is a key pillar of social harmony and well-being in Switzerland. It must be organized in such a way that it does not undermine the most important foundation of social protection, namely participation in the labor market, and it must also remain affordable despite an aging population.

For swissstaffing, the most burning issue relating to social security is pension scheme (BVG) reform. swissstaffing supports the proposed lowering of the minimum conversion rate and the improvement of labor market integration for older unemployed people. However, the planned halving of the coordination deduction would leave flexible workers as the losers of this reform, contrary to the federal government’s declared intentions. The staff leasing sector needs an exemption for its tried-and-tested pension fund model, which provides many flexible workers with BVG pension cover from their first hour of work and thus serves them better than the standard BVG scheme – in terms of retirement credits, disability protection, and benefits for surviving dependents.

Many flexworkers in the staff leasing sector are better off under the current BVG model than they would be under the reform models being discussed. BVG reform needs an exemption to safeguard this.