Our core policy concerns

As an employers’ association for staff leasing companies with a license for staff leasing or staff placement, swissstaffing represents the interests of its members in matters of policy, the economy and society. As an industry association, we work to ensure that the Swiss national and cantonal political sphere and administrations are aware of swissstaffing’s positions and arguments, and take them into account in their decision-making.

For independent staff leasing companies
Staff leasing companies should be independently involved in regulating their industry. To this end, swissstaffing is a partner of the CBA on Staff Leasing. swissstaffing sees the regulation of staff leasing by social partners as preferable to a legal solution. The result is a system that is better tailored to the industry.

For fair conditions
We work to ensure that the regulatory situation does not discriminate against the staff leasing industry, flexible conditions are maintained, and outdated regulations regarding staff leasing are relaxed in a targeted way.

For visibility and recognition of performance
Staff leasing companies make a major, important contribution to ensuring that the Swiss economy remains competitive, to ensuring labor market integration, and to making flexible employment relationships more secure from a social and labor law perspective. We work to ensure that this contribution is understood and recognized by the political world.

For professionalism in staff leasing
The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the cantonal employment offices grant licenses for staff leasing or staff placement to agencies that meet clearly defined professional standards. swissstaffing is keen to be involved in guidelines of this kind for the personnel consultancy profession. With its quality standards, continuing education provision, the CBA on Staff Leasing, and the new qualification “HR Expert Specialization C” qualification, swissstaffing supports quality of service in the industry.

For a liberal labor market
swissstaffing warns against any intervention in Switzerland’s liberal labor market. This is because it is a successful model and forms the basis for an exceptionally high employment rate by international comparison. swissstaffing is therefore committed to rejecting any legal restrictions on immigration, wage setting or the freedom to dismiss.


Myra Fischer-Rosinger
Director of swissstaffing

Telephone: 044 388 95 41
Email: myra.fischer-rosinger@swissstaffing.ch