Warning: fraudulent WhatsApp messages and telephone scams claiming to be swissstaffing

Unfortunately, there are currently some fraudulent WhatsApp messages and telephone scams circulating that are pretending to offer job placements on behalf of swissstaffing. These phishing messages and calls are using the name swissstaffing as the supposed sender or are claiming to come from one of our members of staff. The WhatsApp messages often use a fake version of the swissstaffing logo.

Please note: swissstaffing is the Swiss employers' association for staff leasing companies and does not offer job placements.

We are keeping the police informed of any incidents of which we become aware. We would advise exercising maximum caution if you receive any unexpected WhatsApp messages or telephone calls.

Tips for if you receive a suspicious message:

  • If you are suspicious of a WhatsApp message, do not under any circumstances click on any attachments or links it contains.
  • Never provide your personal information or credit card details in response to such messages or telephone calls.
  • Immediately block the sender's number
  • Carefully compare the writer's name with the sender – these often do not match in scam attempts.

If you are unsure whether you have fallen victim to a scam, our legal services would be happy to assist you at legal@swissstaffing.ch.

Further information regarding online scams offering jobs can be found on the police website (in German): Cyber Crime Police – dubious job offers on social media.